Happy June my darlings, and happy almost summer. Here in Seattle it’s been a really chilly, wet spring, and I’m excited for some damn sun! I’m also excited for my cannabis babies this year as I’m growing some beautiful cultivars. But it’s been a very rough few weeks, and months, and ok years, and a lot of us are having a truly hard time. I was talking to my oldest the other day and he was expressing how concerned he is for his kids; gun violence, lack of safety, the pandemic, climate disasters, etc. etc. As a parent how do you reassure your kids that’s it’s going to be ok, when in reality who the hell knows? Obviously cannabis can be a great help, not only for anxiety, but for sleep, mental health, all kinds of stuff. But aside from telling your kids to stay high, which isn’t a solution, how do we give them positivity in this time of worldwide disturbance? My kid and I decided that the Buddhist saying “find joy in a world of sadness” is most appropriate. There’s absolutely no value in carrying worry around; I feel it’s just more negativity. I truly do feel that no matter what is going on, we can always find joy in this still beautiful incredible world. When you get overwhelmed, try a high CBD cannabis cultivar, get outside, take a deep breath, listen to the birds…..You know what I’m saying. Cannabis will help us through this absurd time, and we can help each other as well. Take care my darlings, and keep trying to get happy.