Friends, don't know about you, but I've gotten real tired of February being all chocolate and hearts. Sometimes you need bright and fresh, and these lil cakes will do the trick! Easy and so yum. On another note, if any of you are interested in a Medicinal Mushroom...
The Latest from Mary J
Dear friends, happiest of happy new years! And here we go - this one's going to be interesting, to say the least. For a brief moment I thought I'd share some healthy low calorie recipe, then I went no - we need fun. So here's my Tonis' Truffle recipe - delicious and...
Delicious Delights for December
Friends, here we are - almost next year! I am so grateful for you all; thank you SO much for reading my posts and making my recipes. I want to remind you that I have gift certificates for all of my personal cooking (not CozyMeal) classes, and I'd love to help you out....
Just what you need for the Holidays
GREEN COMPOUND BUTTERS One thing you’ll quickly discover when cooking with cannabis is the pungent vegetal smell and flavor can be very…..distinctive. A few people like it, but for the most part making things delicious...
I love fall. I love it sooooo much; sweater weather! pumpkin everything! And it's the perfect time for this wonderful delicious stuff. My Adult Applesauce isn't infused, but if you'd like, simply stir in 1 Tb. of full plant tincture before portioning, which will add...
The Original Edible
Since I'm always talking about how cannabis has been with us since we've been us, and since I always talk about Grandma medicine, I thought I ought to share my Majoun recipe. Majoun was born in Morocco a long time ago, and can take the form of a compote, jam, relish -...
Chocolate for August!!
This is a delightful recipe, and everyone loves it - vegans, kids (if you make it uninfused), basically all the humans. When it's hot out, a cute, cool little bowl of this really helps! VEGAN CHOCOLATE PUDDING (Infused or Not) I originally...