My darling fellow humans…..I don’t think it matters what your belief system is or what your politics are, 2021 was rough. I am encouraged though by so many people who just keep going in the face of disease, and weird weather, and basically a huge world wide shift. I tell my kids frequently not to get stuck in the scary but to embrace the positive. And in reality I think there’s more good than bad in the world, and we need to find and encourage it. So ……whatever you need to do to find your joy, do that. For me it’s a bunch of things; family, teaching, reading, walking, sexy time, the cat, making up recipes, and of course, enjoying our friend cannabis. The point I’m trying to make is that yeah, shit is messed up all over, but there’s also a huge amount of good. The other day I had the great pleasure of teaching a young guy from Austria about cannabis and it was wonderful. Just to talk to someone from another country, who by the way spoke English better than I, was an eye opener and I definitely recommend it. He gave me me so much hope; at 23 he was aware, intelligent, well traveled, kind, and committed to improving the world. So I want to urge you all to try not to let the news bring you down – there’s more good than bad in the world, so find the joy!!