A few weeks ago I broke away from TV for an evening and got myself to Vashon Island for the VIMEA Meeting. VIMEA is the Vashon Island Marijuana Entrepreneurs Alliance, and it was wonderful on many levels. It’s not just Vashon folks; people came from all over to hear the lecture and hang. Standing out in the rain at the Grange with people sharing goodies and swapping stories was great, and the lecture by Dr. Ethan Russo was even better. But what really stuck with me was the sweet woman sitting next to me. I had a copy of my cookbook “EveryDayMaryJ” in my bag which she saw. She said, “Oh wow, you have that cookbook too? Isn’t it great?” At which point I wanted to kiss her and hold her close, but instead I was appropriately (extremely) happy. And surprised! Here was someone I didn’t know who bought my book and liked it. The best part? She hauled out a Lemon Bar that she made from my recipe and shared it with me… and it was delicious! Plus I got a nice little buzz. The whole evening was a lovely combination of validation, gratitude, and excitement. So I do want to thank everyone who’s purchased “EveryDayMaryJ, A Practical Guide to Cooking with Cannabis”; knowing that the recipes work and people like it makes me basically overjoyed. Yay humans!