Gummies can be a fine way to get your medicine; they’re fun to eat, simple to
make, and make it easy to titrate your dose. The main caution here is kids; if there
are any littles around, please make sure they can’t get into these! To make
approx. 30, you’ll need:
½ C. cold water
1 large packet (6 oz.) Jello (I like the red flavors best)
4 envelopes plain gelatin
4 Tb. Cannabis tincture
Molds to hold gummies, pan spray, cornstarch, turkey baster or pipette
Spray your molds lightly with the pan spray then wipe so very little oil remains.
Whisk the Jello and plain gelatin together in a saucepan then add the cold water.
Bring to a boil then heat on low for 5 minutes, stirring often. Take off the heat and
let cool slightly (too hot and it’ll affect the THC) then add the 4 Tb. of tincture and
mix well. Using your turkey baster or whatever works, get the mix into the molds.
This can be messy but it’s worth it…Let chill for 15 minutes, pop out of the molds,
and dust lightly with cornstarch to prevent sticking. Keep these in the fridge (and
away from the kids) and use whenever you need some relief!