The Latest from Mary J

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Hooray for May!!

May - birds, flowers, and even sun! I love this time of year so much; everything smells fresh, the flowers are busting out of the ground, the birds are losing their minds, and potential is in the air. When the juices are flowing like this I don't usually want to spend...

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Finally - April! The air smells great, the birds are singing, and in spite of the state of the world, the flowers are going crazy. I want to share this with you as it's easy and delicious, and the sesame gives these blondies a wonderful flavor. Bake up a batch and...

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Don't know about you all, but my January flew by, and here we are - the short month with Valentines day. In honor of the day of love I want to share this lovely, simple, lube recipe. This is inexpensive and organic, so do try some - you'll go 'wahoo' with or without...

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